
Keeping a lawn fertilized, green, and healthy is not so easy for everyone. There are many options out there, but you do not have to decide everything for yourself! Hiring a professional lawn care company to take care of your yard is the easiest way to keep your lawn as healthy as possible.

Professionals can do everything for your lawn and more than you could do yourself! There are many different options with hiring lawn care so it is best to figure out how little or how much you want to do yourself, then let us take care of everything else to help you save time.

How Does Fertilization Help?

Lawn fertilizer is the food that your lawn needs that is not always found naturally in the soil. Fertilizing your lawn will help with weed control and growth for thick and healthy grass. Feeding your lawn the correct fertilizer is important for the healthiest grass possible.

When you buy fertilizer, it will tell you how much nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium there is in the fertilizer. The levels of the nutrients are different in some bags of fertilizer because not all soils are the same nutrients wise. The nutrients that occur naturally in soil varies from lawn to lawn.

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About Lawn Fertilization

In order to have a healthy lawn, it needs food, just like humans. Depending on what type of grass you have dictates what type of fertilization program you need. There are many variables involved with developing a program for your lawn that provides it with the perfect amount of fertilization in the appropriate seasons. Green Grass Guys believes that every lawn is unique and we design programs catered to your specific lawn needs.

How Can This Help?

  • Promotes new leaf and root growth
  • Aides in recovery from foot traffic and pest damage
  • Reduces and controlling weeds
  • Replaces nutrients lost to leaching, volatilization and grass clipping removal




Our state of the art Z-Spray unit allows us to apply liquid and granulated fertilizers with unmatched precision. This allows us to apply exactly what you need, where you need it.

Contact Us

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Our Office

PO Box 731, Cape Girardeau, MO, 63702

(573) 576-1477

